I was out and about when I got a text from a friend of mine to say that Iggy Pop played ‘Stretford Blue’ and ‘SAD’ on 22nd July from the Slice Of Life EP ‘Just Another’.
I’m well pleased he likes the stuff that I’m doing now with Carol, Pete R and Pete W.
Here’s the link if you want to listen to the songs ‘Stretford Blue’ and ‘SAD’ that Iggy played on his BBC 6 radio show on 22nd July 2018
Here are some other links if you want to stay up to date with stuff that I’m doing at the moment. https://www.facebook.com/steveignorantofficial https://www.facebook.com/SteveIgnorantSliceoflife
One of Slice Of Life’s new songs that was played on 4Music at Channel 4 TV https://soundcloud.com/user-869655852/slice-of-life-your-day-will-come
When Thatcher Got Punked The One Show on iPlayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0b05pmb/the-one-show-25042018